So yes, it has been way too long between drinks for this blog. I'm surprised to see its had 1,600+ views!
The focus of my new media work has been solely on the podcast - Plane Crazy Down Under It's been a wonderful journey, a fantastic adventure and a lot of hard work. The learning curve has been steep, but after fours years in the game, we have become known for setting a high standard for production quality and the show continues to grow in popularity.
Looking back at some of the earlier posts here, its been quite nostalgic. The Red Bull Air Race coverage was really my first real foray onto the world of the press event. Knowing what I know now, I think I may have tacked that little project differently if I had my time over, but it was part of the constant learning process. In any case, we have covered some major events since then including the retirement of the RAAF F-111 fleet & C-130H fleet, Avalon 2011 and across to the USA for Airventure 2011. The list of guests and interviews is now extensive and include everyone from senior politicians, industry leaders, media personalities, respected journalists and military personnel from every sector of the ADF...and the USAF. In addition, our decision back in 2010 to move away from the traditional podcast funding model and pursue a "radio show" style programme with ads is showing some really positive signs. It has been a long road to establish our credentials within the aviation media, but we are now seeing potential advertisers seeking us out, rather than us having to go after them with cap-in-hand. It goes to show that if you work hard enough at something you're passionate about, positive results will come along eventually.
While my work on the podcast continues at a frantic pace, I have long held a desire to move into other media roles such as radio announcing and voice overs. Last year, I started that journey by learning from the master - Gary Mac. His voice over training was amazing; something I'd wanted to do for many years. It was challenging in ways I hadn't considered and has given me the confidence to continue in this field. I enjoy it. Unlike my day job, this work allows me to be creative.
I will endeavour to keep this blog a little more up to date for any of your who check it out occasionally.
You can find my initial venture into the world of voice overs at on Fiverr. I think I'll have to start a new website for this work.....
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